Friday, December 07, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Last night Rachael and I went and got a lovely Christmas tree! Isn't it great? Oh and it smells so wonderful. I have always been a real tree sort of girl. Just can't do the fake thing.

Even though every year I forget what a pain it is to get the tree put into the stand and get it standing up straight. It took three times this year! But we got it up and it looks great. We had so many ornaments between the two of us, but we crammed them all on our little tree.

For FHE this week, we had our annual Temple Square outing. I just love the lights there. And the bubbly lights in the reflecting pond are so cool!

Darin and Matt decided it would be a good idea to play "King of the Mountain" on this big pile of snow. They are such dorks! Plus, they had both been really sick the weekend before so I'm sure throwing each other in the snow didn't help much. But boys will be boys.

Here are some of the ward peeps enjoying the lights. And, last but not least, I think this has been one of my greatest Christmas finds yet. It's a missionary triathlon Tshirt that I got for my brother Nathan. He is the one who introduced us all into this whole crazy triathlon thing after all.


Rachael said...

Sure, I'm prejudiced, but I love your Christmas tree! Thanks for getting a "real" one. And it looks fabulous with all the decorations-except there should be a University of Utah decoration instead of the BYU one!

caron said...

LOVE the shirt.
and the tree, and the lights.
I just love Christmas!!