Saturday, December 15, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, here's my annual Christmas newsletter (Click on the image to see it full-size). For my loyal blog followers, however, this isn't really much of an update because you probably already know everything I wrote about. Anyway, have yourself a merry little Christmas...


Anonymous said...

I must comment that, of all the items that you did or accomplished this past year, everything pales in comparison to learning how to swim.

If you honestly did not know how to swim a year ago, and you stand today participating in triathalons, that Missy, is a hell of an accomplishment within an accomplishment.

Can I hear a "Hell Yeah"!

Heather said...

What a cute card and message. I'm glad that you had such a wonderful year and look forward to reading and hearing about all the new things going on in your life.

garrett said...

For some strange reason, I don't see Christy giving a "Hell yeah" to anyone, let alone an anonymous poster named secularboy... But your card is great! I'm excited I got to be associated with a couple of those events. Here's to a new year that will rival the last!

Cougarg said...

Agreed Garrett. But secularboy does have a point, even if it is a bit colorful. Very impressive to learn to swim and then do so in triathalons.