Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Married people should wear rings

Why is it that some married people do not wear rings? It really would save them (and everyone) a lot of trouble if they did. A prime example: today at lunch I decided to go to the Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband concert at the mall. I love Ryan Shupe! Anyway, by the end of the concert, I decided the bass player was HOT and I wanted to meet him. I, of course, checked to see if he was wearing a ring--and he was not. I am really trying to make an effort to go out of my way to meet new people. And really, what did I have to lose? So I proceeded with the plan and stalked him--waiting for the opportune moment to arise so I could strike up a conversation. Jamie even helped me come up with a fantastic opening line. Well, fortunately for me (and my pride) the opportune moment never arose and I left the concert without meeting Mr. Hottie Bass Player. And then I later found out that he WAS married. Darn him!

Here's a bad photo of him taken with my phone--he's the one in the green shirt.

So my point is... if you are hot and married, you should obviously wear a ring to assure that you can avoid being stalked. I'm glad that some people got some entertainment value out of the whole thing. I actually thought it was quite funny myself. And just for the record, I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. Gotta love those bluegrass-style Christmas songs!


Will and Natalie Giddens said...

LOL! Christy, that's a pretty funny story.

And I'm totally guilty of not always wearing my rings. Sometimes, I just forget. Plus, after two pregnancies, my ring size is a tad bigger and they just don't fit as well as they used to. And also, I figure I just had my second kid and haven't lost all my baby weight, who's checking me out anyway (Besides my wonderful hubby)? :-)

Cougarg said...

Who knows, maybe he likes being stalked, and that's why he doesn't wear his ring.

Anonymous said...

Musicians like professional athletes find that perfoming with jewelry around the fingers is cumbersome and affects effectiveness.

At the professional level, some organizations ban jewelry all together. Some neckwear is allowed, but it is always under the approval of the team and manager or coach.

Weight gain is a totally different "tune" or "ball game".


garrett said...

To add to anonymous's comment, some bands deliberately perform sans-wedding rings so that their fans will show that extra interest in their band. And maybe even stalk them... or at least buy records.

but I still agree with you. It's hard enough as it is without having to wonder, "is this person employed in such a way that would disallaw jewelry, or even make it cumbersome?" My older brother is guilty of this as well, since he's a potter. Wouldn't keep the ring clean or the pots smooth if he had his ring on constantly. But he usually puts it back on when he can!

And I wish I was there to see you stalking the guy. :) That's some funny stuff.

caron said...

Christy, I was just in awe how you followed through (for the most part) on your plan to approach him. I told you I would never do it, so I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't. You are my hero.

I think that was dream number 958,529 for me. (I went to Disneyland too!!)

And on rings. I think they are a must. It's true that it's difficult for some people with thier hobbies and jobs to keep them on, but it just really helps us single people out a lot. When I get married (how's that for positive thinking?) me and my fiance are going to have a little talk about how important it is to me that he wears his ring all the time. Because he will be hot and I need to make sure that he doesn't get hit on constantly. :)

Danielle said...

Oh, I remember feeling the same way and now Mike and I never wear our rings. Mike's is too tight and mine is too loose and I'm too cheap to get it sized because I'm afraid that after I have the baby it won't fit. Guilty! :)

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband came up here for our Harvest Fest. You gotta love listening to high quality music for free. Sadly they were the last band to perform, so we only got to watch a little bit before we had to leave (it was bedtime for Abigail and we are too cheap to get a sitter). By the way, can you have Natalie Fisher add me to her blog list. I don't have her e-mail address to do it myself.

Mauri said...

okay, that is hilarious. I've often thought the same thing. I'm so jealous you heard them play. I love watching them. Besides being great musicians, they put on a really good show! Give me a call next time you go, and I'll stalk with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so, my father-in-law has a condition where if he wears rings, his fingers and hands break out with a fungus. He can't wear his wedding ring, so he doesn't. He got hit on about a year ago by a lady, and she totally ripped him a new one for not wearing his wedding ring. You never know why. Also, while playing the bass guitar, you use more of your fingers than by playing regular guitar, and a ring will cause weird sounds with the vibrations of the strings, or cause them to not vibrate at all. So he probably didn't wear a ring for that reason.