Monday, August 13, 2007

Country roads...take me home

We had yet another successful ward activity this weekend. Destination: Oakcrest. Last time I went to Oakcrest, I was 12 and had a ball. And this weekend's Oakcrest adventure did not disappoint. You know it has to go well when you start the weekend off by riding up the canyon on a motorcycle. I rode up with Josh on his super cool motorcycle and the ride was absolutely gorgeous! However, I was so excited about riding on the motorcycle that I forgot a very important camping item.

My sleeping bag! Yep, I left it sitting in my car. Luckily Caron and Krista brought some extra blankets that they let me borrow, so I didn't freeze.

We had great fun enjoying the fire and the bishopric's assortment of dutch oven cobblers.

A bunch of us decided to sleep out under the stars. I'm so glad we did was absolutely incredible. We saw some shooting stars, and there was no moon out so we could see tons of stars. I got to be in the middle of the huddle since I had no sleeping bag. We drug out the mattresses from the cabins and had a lovely night's sleep.

I woke up just in time to see the sunrise come up through the trees over the mountains. What is it about the sunrise that is just so mesmerizing? And then Caron and I went for a morning jog. We are in training you know. Anyway, jogging down those mountain rodes was just so fun for me. I loved it!

We spent the day playing games, riding the zipline, shooting bows and arrows, and just enjoying being out in the mountains with our fellow ward members.

After much persuasion, we even convinced Sister Margetts to ride the zipline! I was sure to capture it on video since it might be the first and only time it ever happens!

Caron and Matt trying to get untangled in one of the team building games.

My stellar archery skills!

Here are some of us just before leaving Oakcrest. I love my ward!


caron said...

Christy, that post just warms my heart. Or, in Garrett's words, I heart my ward!
I would also like to put a plug in for the matress outside camping. This is the second time this summer I have taken this route, and I am a huge advocate. You wake up so refreshed instead of complaining about the rock that was in your back all night. I'm also a fan of running water and flushing toilet type of camping. No, world, I am not a purist. I'm sure that I will never become a motel camper, but I really can handle real camping. Honest. I can prove it in Logan.

Anonymous said...

I must agree as well that this adventure was a hit. I loved the zip line as always, and even though I didn't sleep that night it was fun being in great company.