Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oh how lovely was the morning

This week I started tennis lessons. At 6 a.m. From the courts where I play, I’ve got a perfect view of the mountains. What a great way to start off the day…playing tennis while watching the incredible sunrise come up over the mountains. I love this beautiful place in which I live. That’s my little piece of happiness for the day. What’s yours?


caron said...

I made it all the way to work on my bike without stopping, riding into the sunrise. It was a lovely morning!

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Well, I know this is a little overdue, but my piece of happiness today is that I'm able to eat some food. Granted the going is slow, but I'm making it. I got some titanium rods put in my mouth last Tuesday, then ended up with 11 canker sores, so it's bee hard to eat. I only had some applesauce and chicken broth yesterday.