Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Haunting

Happy Halloween! I know I say this every year, but I absolutely love this holiday. Here's me and my sister Allison in our smashing costumes. Really, I just love any excuse to dress up.

On Monday I went to my old ward's annual Halloween dance. It is always so much fun. Oh, and that is the pumpkin I carved at FHE last week.

And I love Halloween at my work. Everyone gets so into it! And the employees' kids come and trick or treat around the office. This year, we even had a mad scientist's lab in the office complete with brains, eyeballs, hearts and more. It actually was pretty gross. The Paper Crafts team dressed up as a chic band...they even made posters and press passes. They are so creative! And check out the kid dressed as a washer/ that is funny!

Stacy the mad scientist

Here is my friend Emma and her coworkers. They dressed as the Clue characters. How fun!

And Garrett and friends dressed up as Super Mario brothers...isn't it great?

I'm excited for the annual murder mystery party on more chance to wear my costume this week! Fun!


Heather said...

HOW FUN! You're pumpkin looks great and I can't believe how awesome all the costumes look!

caron said...

I haven't really gotten into the spirit of things this year.
I have one more chance.....

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Your costume is awesome by the way. I love it. The Clue characters were so neat. For next year I need to come up with something that involves three people, so Carl, Abigail, and I can be together.

Mauri said...

love the pics! You're right--Halloween around the office is a blast. Did I ever tell you how cute your costume was? Because it really was. :)