Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I asked for it

Since I was feeling bad about never having received an assignment from Nathan, I asked him for one, and boy did I ever get one.

Here’s what he said: “Well...I give you the assignment of find, teach and baptize somebody before I get home...preferably a hispanic. I know you can do it!!!”

That’s quite the assignment! I hope I can do it. I guess I asked for it though.

Last night I got released from my calling on the young single adult regional activities committee. I am so sad! As many of you know, this has been quite the *interesting* situation to say the least. But I have come to love it so much and I am really, really sad about being released. I have never felt like this about being released from a calling before. I feel so lost. I have thrown myself into that calling and have found such peace because of it. I don’t quite know what to do with myself now.

1 comment:

garrett said...

What you need to do is throw yourself at your brother's assignment. Find out if you can teach english to Spanish speakers at a community center or something like that. A friend of mine did that in Logan and we started hanging out with a few of the people that went to her class, and even got to talk about the gospel with a few of them. Just an idea... good luck on that assignment! I'm sure the regional activities committee is going to be lost without you. Everything will turn into dances and baseball games. :(