Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And I thought I liked theme parties

Check out this girl's Harry Potter party and her Witches Brew Tea Party. How fun is that? They put my theme parties to shame! I'm just so incredibly impressed. And I love the idea of having to search for clues as part of the invitation. And that she created a blog specifically for the event and you had to end up there to find out vital information. And how cute are those owl invitations? And I love that all her friends get so into it as well! Maybe I will recruit her services to help me plan my next party.

Speaking of my next party, does anyone have any decoration ideas for a 1920s speakeasy?


garrett said...

Don't get down on yourself! Your parties rock.

As for decorations, if you have some very large, very long beads, maybe a bath tub filled with moonshine... Some Tommy guns in violin cases. What else screams 1920s?

Christy said...

oooh! good ideas.

And I wasn't getting down on myself...I was just being utterly amazed and inspired. I think my parties pretty much rock, too! :)

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Another idea... a smoke machine. When I think 1920s, I think smoky bars, with jazz singers. Since you don't want ciggarette smoke, you better get a smoke machine.

Christy said...

My family does own a fog machine!