Monday, October 22, 2007

Inside a snow globe

I think I experienced what it would be like to be inside of a snow globe this weekend. I was in attendance at the BYU football game (which we, of course, won) and although the game started out with just a slight drizzle... ended in a full-blown blizzard! (We had to leave halfway through the third quarter to make it to stake conference on time so we missed the worst of it, but still!) I was so freezing. I am so not ready for winter. But I do love a good football game--even if I have to freeze my way through it.


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I had heard about that, but seeing the pictures, holy cow! That's just insane. By the way, I'm jealous that you are a Relief Society Teacher. That has been my favorite calling thus far. Although Sacrament Meeting Chorister was pretty fun too. Especially because I found out what the songs were when I would open the program before Church started.

Mauri said...

That was a cold one! Count yourself lucky you left before it got bad. I left with about 10 minutes left in the game, and I was stinkin' cold and wet. But hooray for another Cougar victory!