Sunday, October 21, 2007

Out with a bang

So, our last YSA regional activity went pretty well, so I guess we can say we went out with a bang. We had a monster mash Halloween party complete with apple bobbing, pumpkin painting, a big Clue game, and of course a chili dinner. I have just loved serving on this committee with such great people. I'm still a bit sad about the whole release thing, but I'm mostly ok with it now.

Emma showed up dressed as a Chutes and Ladders game! Complete with a spinner and playing pieces, so of course we had to take advantage. It was fantastic.

And who could beat Krista's costume? I love it!

And if you're a princess for an evening, you must swirl your dress. It's just a plus of wearing a princess dress. Anyway, I think everyone who came had a good time. Now the challenge is how to get more people to come to these things. Good luck to whoever replaces us. I still have my other calling as a Relief Society teacher, which I absolutely love. So now all my calling efforts can go into those lessons.


caron said...

Am I really that much shorter than you? I never noticed...
It was a lovely party. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was impressed with the participation. And the chili.

Christy said...

I was wearing heels if that helps. :)