Sunday, October 14, 2007

They came. They swam. (and biked and ran). They conquered.

Well, Round 2 of this triathlon thing went quite well. My goal was to finish in less than 2 hours...and I did! My official time was 1:51:31. Congrats to Caron who is the big winner of the "who can guess closest to the actual finishing time" contest. Caron, your prize will be delievered shortly.

Anyway, my parents, Matt and I headed down to Lake Powell on Friday afternoon. Since the race was quite close to the Glen Canyon Dam near Page, everything in Page had the word "dam" somewhere in the title. It was hilarious. Of course we had to tell dam jokes as we drove over the dam. And we had to take advantage of the situation and dine at the "Dam Bar & Grill" on Friday night to power up for the race.

I had the "dam favorite baby back ribs" Mmmm. Anyway, Lake Powell was absolutely gorgeous. On Friday night we walked down to the lake and the stars were just incredible. We just sat on the dock for awhile and looked at them. Wow! I haven't seen that many stars in a long time.

It was a bit chilly in the morning, but once the sun came up it was perfect temperature for racing. The water was great, the view was great, it was just great. Low 70s. Oh, I miss summertime!

A big shout out to my mom, Roy and Beth who came to be our cheering squad, official photographers, and shoe holders.

Anyway, the swim was a lot harder than last time. I think I had some serious wind advantage last time. But I made it and I did pretty well. The transition area was about 1/2 a mile away from the beach where we got out of the water, so that was interesting trying to get to my bike. It took forever! The bike ride was absolutely gorgeous. I had an amazing view of the lake, the cliffs and the dam. Even though the first 3/4 of it was uphill, I think I made pretty good time.

Here I am finishing the swim! The first half of the run was entirely uphill as well, but I was feeling pretty good. Anyway, I finished strong!

Matt got a fantastic time of 1:37, and my dad finished at 1:43. Way to go us! My dad even came in third place in his age division, so he got a lovely bronze medal at the awards ceremony.

Here he is getting his medal. He was so excited and proud of himself that he won an award. It was pretty funny. Matt came in 6th in his age division. Yay Matt! And I also came in 6th in mine. (I think there must have only been 6 people in my age division.)

Anyway, I am so glad I finally got to do a triathlon. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it was such a fun experience. You may now call me a triathlete!

P.S. I have discovered the ultimate way to be approached. Forget the beverage, forget the clothing that invites touch or conversation. Just show up to a social event with numbers written all over your body. You will be approached by everyone present. :)


Danielle said...

Woo Hoo!! Way to go Christy! I'm so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Christy, you are amazing! I'm so glad you were able to do the triathlon! Congrats to Matt and your dad as well for doing a fabulous job.

Rachael said...

That anonymous was me. Sorry, obviously I am not very blogger savy. :)

caron said...

Yeah! I won!
Good job to all 3 of you. I hope to join the triathlete club next year :) Who's up for another one?

garrett said...

Nice work! You guys are inspiring. Really, that is such a great acomplishment! If you all do it again next year, let me know and I'll enlist as pit crew again. Congrats on getting your goal!

sarah h. said...

Congrats!!! I wish I would've known about it. It would've been awesome to do at Lake Powell. I would've come to cheer just to get to go to Lake Powell. And of course see you guys do so awesome.

a{Jo} said...

Wow, congratulations! I'm so amazed--your time seems fast, too! I'm sure it would take me that long just to swim :)

Kristen Brady said...

You are amazing! I'm so proud of you!