Saturday, September 29, 2007

High on a mountain top

So, remember my breakdown? Well, I think it happened this week. So I did what I thought was best...I took a "vacation". I took a couple days off work and just stayed home and relaxed. I read a good book, I slept in, I took a few naps, I tried a new recipe, I went to the temple, and just had some nice "Christy time".

I read an article about how sometimes it's best to just retreat so that you don't end up surrendering. Well, I was about ready to surrender. I felt like I was just hanging on by a string. So I took a retreat. And I do feel better. Not 100%, but better.

As part of my vacation, I wanted to spend some time up in the mountains, so Anne and I hiked to the top of Mt. Olympus.

All I can say is WOW! It was simply amazing. You could see for miles and miles from the top. It's crazy to think I was on top of the mountain I see from my window every day.

It seriously was the absolute perfect time of year to go for optimum viewing of the fall foliage. It was beautiful. I love looking at the mountains this time of year and seeing patches of color all over the mountainside. But to actually be in it was pretty cool. Nature is so amazing.

The more I live in Utah, the more I just love these gorgeous mountains I live in the shadow of. I broke out my box of sweaters today...winter is on its way.


Heather said...

Utah is GORGEOUS, I"m glad that you got out and experienced it for a little bit. I'm sorry you were having a crappy week! I hope that relaxing helped you out! :)

caron said...

How are your toenails? :)

Jonny said...

We have mountains, but we don't have as much pretty foliage's mostly evergreens here. Pretty, but not the same. Good luck with everything!

garrett said...

I LOVE the fall! It is my favorite season due to the vibrant colors of the changing leaves and the perfect weather. I love it when it is "brisk" outside and when sweaters are just perfect.

Glad to hear your retreat did you some good. Hope you make it back to 100% soon. And what's the deal with your toe nails??

Christy said...

I am happy to report that I have had NO problems with my toenails. (Sorry Caron, you're on your own on that one.) My quads and calves are STILL sore though.

caron said...

Garrett, That was my lasting malady from Mount Olympus. It's a lovely reminder of my lovely afternoon there.
I, apparenty, am still alone in that. :) It's probably best that way.

Mauri said...

Wow, you must have had some serious energy you needed to release. That is one heck of a hike up that mountain. But then again, I guess you are in shape enough to compete in a triathlon. I'm very impressed, and I love the view from the top!