Thursday, September 20, 2007


I don’t mean to be a drama queen and act “Woe is me”-ish, but this is my blog and I’ll post what I want to. Besides, maybe I just need a venting outlet. I seriously think I am about to have a nervous breakdown. I feel like I’m going to explode! I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t please everyone, I can’t be everywhere I need to be, I can’t seem to do anything right, and I just feel “stuck” in all aspects of my life.

I’m tired of doing the things I feel I’m supposed to do and having them blow up in my face. I’m tired of feeling like I need to move forward on things only to be shot down and rejected. I feel like I’m in way too deep and spreading myself too thin. And I don’t know how to re-align my life. I feel like all my juggling balls are about to hit me in the head.

Usually I deal with stress by getting rid of the unnecessary things in my life—which are usually the stress-causing components. Or finding a simpler way to deal with them. Well, that’s not working this time because I can’t seem to get rid of the things that are causing me all this stress, and all my “simplifying efforts” don’t seem to be going anywhere. Basically there are two main situations in my life right now that make up the components of my stress--both of which I cannot seem to change--no matter how hard I have tried.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cope with stress and anxiety and avoid having a nervous breakdown?


JerryNJ said...

Is it possible that you may experiencing a sense of stress because certain people around you may be too demanding about some issues that perhaps you may not have control over? This stress you point to, are you transferring it into feelings of inadequacy or guilt?

Stress experienced from the natural daily demands of life should never have anyone ever feel any level guilt or inadequacy.

Stress infused from loved ones is a different matter and requires different methods for coping.

Sometimes the cathartic answer must be a big fat figurative NO and your attitude has to be that "they" need to accept it and get over it.

I have other tips to eschew stress but, these suggestions would likely label you as anathema from the subculture that you happen to live around.

But, that's only if you were to act on these suggestions.

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

our sacrament meeting talks yesterday were about the holy ghost, but there was something that one of the speakers said, i think she was quoting Sheri Dew. It was along the lines of "look at the things in your life and see what you can cut out. there are lots of things which are good, that get in the way of that which is best." Anyways, this sister took an inventory of the things she was involved with, and felt that she should really quit a singing group she was in. She loved this group, it was her outlet from everything else, but she felt so strongly that she needed to quit, so she did. Just look at things you can cut back on, and do it, no matter how painful. Look to others to help you. Basically, don't try to please everyone. It isn't your job. Your job is to make yourself happy. Don't be afraid to tell people "no." And sometimes you just need to do something for you, even if it is as simple as indulging in a guilty pleasure. Remember, with God all things are possible. Don't sweat the small stuff. You are an amazing person.