Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mawage is what bwings us togever

So Kristen and Shawn got married yesterday. It's kind of surreal that it actually happened. I've been hearing about it practically as long as I have known them, so it's weird that it is over. Anyway, it was a beautiful wedding...hotter than Hades...but beautiful. Congrats to the both of you...I love you guys and wish you the best future together.

This is Kristen and Shawn's super cute niece. I LOVE kids this age...they are so adorable. I had so much fun playing with her and their other nephew, Peter, throughout the day. I don't get a chance to be around kids very often and I miss it. Does anyone want to lend me their kid for a day?


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I will lend you my kid. She's way too cute, and super fun. The only problem is getting her from here to there. I looked for creating keepsakes the other week, we were in town and went to Ikea. but i couldn't find it. still love Ikea though.

Christy said...

What? You were in town and didn't come to visit me? You're in big trouble!