Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thank you to the real men out there

I would just like to thank all the men out there who appreciate modesty in women. Men who value a woman based on who she is and not what her body looks like. I know that guys will be guys and their natural instinct is to find immodesty attractive, but I thank those of you who make an effort to rise above the natural man and appreciate true beauty. Thank you to the guys out there who treat women with respect and not as objects designed to satisfy their desires.

I taught a Relief Society lesson this week on modesty, and as part of it I interviewed several guys on the subject so I could share their comments with the girls and we could get a male perspective on the whole issue. I was so impressed to hear these men make comments like…

  • When a girl dresses modestly, I can't help but think that she feels good about herself, recognizes her worth, and could care less about what the world is wearing. I associate words like noble, truth, power, virtue, and honor, etc. when I see girls dress modestly.
  • I think being modest applies to not just being covered up but also looking nice. Looking like you care about what you wear, yet not being consumed by it, shows confidence—and that is attractive.
  • You send a message in the way you act, talk, and in the way you dress. When a girl dresses immodestly, I wonder what she's trying to say, or to what she's trying to draw attention.
  • If a woman is modest and dresses modestly, she most likely makes other righteous decisions in her life. Strong spirituality is quite a turn-on.
  • The clothes a girl wears are usually a good reflection as to who they are. Girls spend a lot of time thinking about what they are going to wear and how they are going to portray themselves. If a girl dresses modestly it is because that is who she thinks she is and vice versa. And, you attract the type of person you portray yourself to be.
  • Don't ever short-change yourself. There are thousands of guys out there who are attracted to girls who dress modestly. I know that these guys are a whole lot less creepy than the guys who could care less about modesty. If you want to meet the creepy guys than dress immodest, if not then dress like you have integrity.

    So, thank you. The world needs more men like you.
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