Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Last week I was having a pretty cruddy week. I was just struggling with a bunch of dumb stuff. Anyway, in an effort to help me feel better, Matt brought me a beautiful pink flower. What a sweetie! This picture was taken with my phone...hence the poor quality. But it really is very pretty in real life. I love flowers! Thank you Matt!

So, I've been at my new job for two weeks now...and I am still liking it a lot. It's a huge challenge for me because it is something different and new, but I am enjoying it. The students I work with are so stinkin' talented and amazing that sometimes I wonder what the heck I can offer them. Hopefully I will figure that out.

Over the past two weeks I have been working with my students to create a team for the upcoming school year. We've been interviewing people for director positions, outlining an organizational plan for our area, and determining the projects we want to accomplish this year. I've also been working with the outgoing team to finish up the projects they have been working on throughout the year. We've published a poster encouraging students to attend the weekly devotional here on campus and we are in the works of planning a volunteer appreciation party, which will be held this weekend.

I'm constantly amazed at the talents and abilities of these students. They pretty much rock. And not only are they extremely talented and smart, they are so friendly and truly try to reach out and serve everyone around them. It's so refreshing. I've witnessed so many tiny acts of service in the past two weeks, and I must say that I am extremely impressed.

1 comment:

Kristen Brady said...

I wonder how many people think the same thing about you though - you are amazing and so full of wonderful ideas!