Friday, March 02, 2007

An ode to the doctor

See them, see them up above.
These are classic books I love.
Would you read them in a car?
Would you take them to a bar?
Could you read them with a cow?
Do you read them even now?
Would you let them gather dust?
Or are they in your life a must?

Let's pull those classic greats off our shelves, and take a moment to remember a little piece of our childhood in honor of the one and only Dr. Seuss, whose birthday it is is today.

I could never get enough of that ABC book! I think the local librarian would automatically go pull it off the shelf for us when she saw us walk in. What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?


Unknown said...

I also love Dr. Seuss! I have two favorites by Seuss - Oh, the Places You'll Go and Green Eggs and Ham!

Anonymous said...

Well, Duckie
there are many much more,
much, much, much, much,
muchly much much more
than me! :)

Melissa said...

Wow, so many.
I kind of like that kid Bartholomew and his hats. I like the Sneeches. And the Lorax.

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Oh gosh, I love that guy too. I would say that Fox in Socks is one of my favorites. A must read (aloud) for everyone. I also enjoy the Sneetches and Oh, The Places You'll Go.