Sunday, March 25, 2007

Luck of the Irish

This year's St. Patrick's Day celebration was fabulous. We started off the day by going downtown to the parade. I never even knew there was a parade! It was so much fun, and seriously, anything goes in this parade! We have decided to come up with an entry and march in the parade next year. If basset hounds and snakes on a float and a girl dressed as a pot of gold and soccer protesters can be in the parade, so can we!

I especially loved the Irish jiggers and the bagpipe bands. Oh, and we actually saw Mr. St. Patrick himself, and the Blarney stone too!

And of course we had to drown our sorrows in some Irish ale.

And what would St. Patricks Day be without some traditional Irish drinking games? A is for Anne, B is for banana .... We also had a successful treasure hunt, a limerick writing contest, we watched the St. Paddys Day veggie tales, held a contest for who had the best green outfit on, and ate some of our favorite green foods like mint chocolate chip ice cream, guacamole chips with green salsa, celery and snow peas, and of course some Lucky Charms. It was magically delicious!

This is us kissing the Blarney stone. Do you realize how extremely difficult it is to do a pushup while doing a handstand? But we had to stick with tradition. And hopefully I will now be eloquent in all my writing. Ahhh...I love this holiday!


caron said...

And I would like to add that MY team won the pot o gold, thank you very much.
What a loverly parteee. We should do it again. What's the next holiday? We always talk about having an earth day party, I'll have to talk to Ben on that one.

Melissa said...

Rock on.
Thanks for posting the pics.
So good to see you this weekend--it had been a while.