Monday, June 16, 2008

Wedding plans update

Here's a little preview of our engagement photos! (Umm...we had like 700 taken.) We had them taken by Elisha Snow, who used to work at CK Media with me. I think they turned out great. We had so much fun just goofing around during our photo shoot.

Awww.....aren't we cute? Anyway, the wedding plans are coming along quite nicely. I've gotten my wedding dress, we have the temple and the reception center all squared away, we have ordered our flowers and cake and the bridesmaids dresses, and I have finished designing the announcements and sent them off to the printer. Last week we went to go taste cakes and it was so fun! We picked some really different, yet delicious flavors so you'll have to come to our reception to taste them.


Kristen Brady said...

Such great photos! I'm so happy for the two of you!

Danielle said...

you are so cute Christy. So is your fiance for that matter! Congrats!

Cheryl said...

You two look so great! And totally in love! And thanks for inspiring me as a triathlete. I'm excited for your next one!

caron said...

I like the effects that were added. It makes it look all dreamy- like you need some background music playing or something.
They look lovely!!