Wednesday, February 06, 2008


The neighborhood that I grew up in was so great. There were about 10 girls my age. We had so much fun together at girls camp and carpooling to school and living through about 5 Sunday School teachers every year. Since we have all grown up and moved on with our lives, we make it a point to get together every once in awhile to catch up. So last night we had a little reunion at Chilis.

The little reunion started out with 6 of us. But then I took a bathroom break, and as I was washing my hands, there was this police officer there in the bathroom. I was wondering what on earth a police officer was doing at Chilis on a Tuesday night, and wondered if there was any trouble going on. Then the police officer started talking to me. She said, Hey Christy what are you doing here? I thought to myself, Why on earth is this police officer talking to me and how does she know me? Well, it took me a minute to recognize that it was Heather Brady! Heather was one of the girls I grew up with in my ward and we had lost contact with her over the years.

So then I brought her over to our table so she could see the other girls, and as I was walking up with a police officer, they were thinking, why is Christy bringing the police over to our table? Until they recognized her too. Anyway, it was a really fun reunion!

1 comment:

caron said...

So right after you told me this story, I ran into a girl I grew up with in my ward at Walmart! and her husband and her 5 kids. Yes, people our age can have 5 kids. It's crazy!!
Here's to reunions!!