Sunday, May 13, 2007

Firsts of the season

This week I had my first Slurpee of the season! You know it's time for summer to start when you get a Slurpee craving. Nothing says bring on the summer like a nice cold Slurpee from your local 7-11. I just want to know what happened to all the original flavors like grape and cherry and blue raspberry. Anyway, I also went on my first hike of the season and did my first yard work session of the season, climbed my first tree of the season and went on the second motorcycle ride of my life. Here's to summer...I love it!

We had our ward talent show this weekend. It was great fun. I never knew I was surrounded by such talented folk like 90s rappers, Irish jiggers, glow stick experts, swing dancers, song maker uppers, and the like. I did my annual ward talent show hula and dragged Rachael into hulaing with me...she is awesome!

She was such a hula pro! Hawaii here we come. Happy Mother's Day to my fantastic Mom today. I love you! Does anyone want to do a triathlon with me the first weekend in August?


JerryNJ said...


You are delightfully a quintessential outgrowth of your Shangri-La. I don't get it, have all the young Mormon men suddenly become homosexual?

Thanks for letting me peruse around.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I had a significant other who was from West Valley City. She was a ski bum/nut.

I see no skiing pics anywhere in your blog.....and you're the outdoorsy type and live in Utah?

Wuz up wit' dat?

LOL in a good way.


Jonny said...

Ah yes, I remember my own hula days. I remember the most hilarious rehearsals EVER and a very sunburned hula performance.

Christy said...

Nat, I think that was my favorite hula year...I'm laughing just thinking about it!

jerrynj, Utah boys are dumb...they just don't get it that they need to ask girls out on dates. It's not like just becuase they ask a girl out they are going to get married. They are such scardycats about trying to do the right thing and find the right person that they just do nothing...LAME! Do they understand that you have to take a few steps in order to move forward?

JerryNJ said...


Quizás tu opinión de que “muchachos” en Utah son tontos, se presta de ser la verdad siendo de tu punto de observación. Yo creo que fuera una mejor obra, de observar las costumbres de “hombres” en Utah en vez. Que no? Hombres y muchachos no se pueden comparar. Son completamente dos cosas diferentes.

Es una coincidencia, que este mensaje, te lo mando y también lo escribí aproximadamente cien metros del Templo aquí en Nueva York. Hace algunos años, en un día como este hoy, yo compraba mi café diariamente donde se encuentra El Templo estos días. El restaurante se llamaba “Orloffs”.
