Sunday, May 20, 2007

Drink up me hearties, yo ho!

In preparation for Pirates 3 that is coming out this weekend, we had a pirate pre-party. Emma is the bomb! I think she loves throwing theme parties even more than I do. They had everyone "become" a pirate when they first came in. They had to choose a pirate name, put on some pirate tattoos, facial hair and sashes, and wear an eye patch.

They named all the food after things from the movie like Commadoritos, Norring Dip, Elizabeth Swalad, Jack Sparr-scones, Davey Bones, Aztec Gold and more. We had a treasure hunt in which we perfected our compass reading skills, and had a treasure chest pinata that was full of fabulous pirate goods.

Of course we had to build a big bonfire and dance around it drinking 'rum' and throw ourselves onto the sand. What a great party! Let's just hope Pirates 3 is any good...cuz Pirates 2 sure wasn't!


caron said...

I'm glad to see it was so successful. You guys don't look so fiersome, though. Oh, well.

Jonny said...

I liked Pirates 2 okay, but only because I was expecting it to be a cliffhanger.

Jared said...

Sometimes i think to myself that we need more pirates.