Saturday, April 14, 2007

Let's play a game

So, my half marathon is next Saturday. Take a guess on how long it will take me to finish, and you could win a prize! Put your guess in the comments section, and whoever comes closest to my actual finish time will win. I'll give you a will probably take me more than 2 hours, but less than 3 1/2.

Today I went to Park City on a shopping spree! I love that outlet mall...such great stuff. And of course I spent too much money, but I got some really cute stuff. :)


Anonymous said...

So far I am sure to win. I will guess 2 hours and 49 minutes. Does the route for the half-marathon go on Holladay Blvd? If so you will be running right past my house.

caron said...

I say 3 hours and 5 minutes, given the new circumstances. You WILL finish!!

Unknown said...

My guess is 2 hours 56 minutes! You are amazing!

Jonny said...

I have no idea how you've done in your other runs, but I'm guessing 2 hours 40 minutes.

Melissa said...

Your run was today! I didn't end up running because I'm a slacker. I want to hurry and guess before you post the time.

I'm going with 2:25:00 because--like the Price is Right--sometimes it pays to be the lowest guesser.