Saturday, August 26, 2006

Summer Staples

It's the last week of August, and the end of summer is drawing nigh. Summer is my favorite season, and I feel like this one went by especially quickly...and I'm sad it's practically over. I feel like I didn't even do much this summer. For me to feel like summer is complete, I have to participate in all my summer staples, and I just haven't gotten to do all of them this summer. It's just not summer without:

going to the cabin
outdoor movies
lounging about by the pool doing absolutely nothing
enjoying fireworks
corn on the cob and other fresh garden vegetables
homemade ice cream
concerts in the park
hiking with Gramps
a summer vacation
demolition derby
boating at the lake
sleeping out under the stars
mowing the lawn (or at least smelling the freshly cut grass)

I guess I still have a few weeks left to complete my summer checklist. What are your summer staples?


caron said...

You forgot Peter B, Christy. You can never forget Peter B.

My staples involve Bear Lake Raspberry Shakes, and warm nights looking at the stars. Oh,and all those family reunions. You can't get through the summer without a few of those!

Melissa said...

swimming at Grandma's
running around barefoot
red rock
Mabey corn
camping chairs

Christy said...

and slurpees, how could I forget slurpees!!