Thursday, August 03, 2006

We are FAMILY reunions, gotta love 'em. Here we are at Brian Head down by Cedar City. It was pretty fun, even if my Grandma did have every second of our day filled with summer-camp-like activities. The cabin we stayed was utterly amazing--seriously like a mansion-cabin with an amazing view. I've never heard of a cabin with a sauna inside!

We did encounter a mouse in the cabin, which was the cause of much drama, but other than that everything went pretty smoothly. Except for the fact that I forgot all the words to my part of the lip synch.

We went to Cedar Breaks at the family reunion and I must say I was quite impressed. They say Bryce Canyon is like Cedar Breaks only more breathtaking. I've never been to Bryce Canyon before. And to think I've lived in Utah all these years. I am planning a camping trip to go sometime...who is game? I love Utah! I think it has some great destination points with such a variety of landscaping. I've decided I need to get a job at or something so I can just tell everyone about the fabulous things there are to do here.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Bryce Canyon is spectacular.
